Publication Date: 14.12.2021
This cookie policy explains what cookies are and how Lifecell Bulut Çözümleri A.Ş. (“Lifecell”) uses them.
1. What are cookies?
Cookies are the files and information fragments stored on browser, computer or mobile device when you visit a website or application. There are different types of cookies based on their intended uses and length of storage. Cookies record
your actions and the settings you prefer during your browser session for your next visit to be paid by you to our website. In case you visit our website again, this information is sent back to the server which allows your computer
or mobile device to be automatically recognized again and, for instance, the settings you prefer are loaded automatically for your convenience. Cookies offer the advantage that there remains no need to perform such settings everytime
you visit the website of lifebox. You may read the information regarding categories of cookies we use under the heading ‘What kinds of cookies do we use?’
2. What kinds of cookies do we use?
2.1. In terms of management of cookies:
While some cookies are placed by third parties, some other cookies come directly through our website.
- First Party Cookies means cookies placed on the website which are created by us and under our control.
- Third Party Cookies means cookies created and managed by third party firms with whom we cooperate.
2.2. In terms of period of storage:
- Session Cookies means types of cookies which are only used when your browser is on and otherwise deleted when your browser is off.
- Permanent Cookies means types of cookies which are permanent until a certain expiration date after your browser is off. These cookies may be used by websites for recognizing your computer when you turn on your browser
and navigate on internet again.
Please go through the Annex 1 and Annex 2 for retention periods specific to every cookie itself. The personal data collected by cookies are retained in accordance with Lifebox Privacy Notice.
2.3. In terms of purpose of use:
- Essential Cookies:These cookies are essential for ensuring the websites to function efficiently, providing various services for you through websites and fulfilling certain functions such as access to secure domains.
- Performance Cookies:These cookies aim at user being offered a developed and customized personal experience by ensuring user preferences such as language settings on the website that you prefer. For detailed information,
see Annex 1.
- Analytical Cookies:These cookies are used for collection by web analytical tools of statistical data such as the period spent on the website, the pages used, clicking information and the duration of remaining on
the a page in order to be able to analyze the use of websites and realize more efficient marketing activities. An overview for our analytical cookies are presented in Annex 1.
- Targeting/Advertisement Cookies: These cookies collect information about you and the subjects you are interested in as well as your habits of navigating on internet. They ensure that the same ads are prevented
from being repeated on a continual basis, and ads are shown properly and functions such as display of ads based on areas of interest are applied in certain situations. You may find a general assessment of our targeting / advertisement
cookies in Annex 2.
3. How can you control or delete the cookies?
Some types of cookies explained in this Cookie Policy are subject to your consent. Certain cookies which are technically essential for all features of our website to be able to run properly do not require users’ consent. You may revoke
your consent you have given for non-essential cookies whenever you wish to do so. To do this, you are required to withdraw the approval you have given for non-essential cookies by changing the settings of your browser. In general,
your browser will offer you the options of collecting, refusing or deleting the cookies. Every browser incorporates the instructions on how to do this. Since your cookie preferences are administered over the browser you use, when you
use a different browser or buy a new computer, you will be required to renew your preferences of refusing as well.
Please remember that in case you prevent the cookies on our website, you cannot have access to certain domains of our website or you may prevent certain functions from running in the best way.
4. How are personal data processed?
You may access to detailed information regarding personal data processing activities of Lifecell on Lifebox Privacy Notice in:
[ https://mylifebox.com/policy/?lang=en ].
5. Updates to this Cookie Policy
Lifecell reserves the right to make any amendments to this Cookie Policy at any time. The amendments to the Policy shall be published on the website. For being informed of any updates in the Policy, you are recommended to review this Policy
Annex 1: Essential, Performance and Analytical Cookies
Retention period
We use these cookies to store Auth-Tokens. These cookies are created after a user logs in the system. When user logs in, you are required to send request.
Session cookie
The third party cookie belonging to Google is used for distinguishing users. Google Analytics stores the information of which websites user visit, how much time they spend on the website, how they have reached there and
where users have clicked. This information is processed in such a way that users are defined as only individuals.
2 years
Third-party /Google
The third party cookie belonging to Google is used for distinguishing users.
24 hours
Third-party / Google
This cookie is used to quell the rate of demand. In case it is realized by way of Google Label Manager of Google Analytics, this cookie is named dc gtm_
10 minutes
Third-party /Google
This cookie is used by Google to collect website statistics and follow up the transformation rates.
30 days
Third-party / Google
The cookie ‘NID’ contains a specific ID Google used in order to remember user preferences, other information such as the language preferred, how many results user wants to view per page and whether user has opened the SafeSearch
filter of Google.
6 months
Third-party / Google
This cookie is used to determine whether user has taken part in a trial and determine the validity durations of trials in which user has taken part.
Depends on the length of the experiment, but typically 90 days.
Third party / Google
These cookies (SID and HSID) are used for security purposes in order to authorize users, prevent access authorizations from being faked and protect user data from unauthorized parties.
6 months
Third party / Google
These cookies (SID and HSID) are used for security purposes in order to authorize users, prevent access authorizations from being faked and protect user data from unauthorized parties. Combination of these two cookies help
blocking many types of attacks such as attempts to steal the content of forms filled up by users on websites.
2 years
Third party / Google
This type of cookie is used for security purposes in order to authorize users, prevent access authorizations from being faked and protect user data from unauthorized parties.
6 months
Third party / Google
This cookie is used to collect information on how visitors use the lifebox website. We use this cookie to compile the reports and help us develop the Website. This cookie collects anonymous information including the number
of visitors of the Website, the places from which visitors come to the Website and the webpages visited by them.
2 years
Third party / Google
This cookie collects information on how visitors browse the websites, the places from which visitors come to the Website and the webpages visited by them anonymously.
1 day
Third party / Google
This cookie manages the existence and performance of software applications and has impact on user experience such as deep procedure monitoring, synthetic monitoring, real user monitoring and web monitoring.
Session cookie
Third party / Dynatrace
This cookie is also associated with Dynatrace. It administers software and the existence of software applications as well as their performance and has impact on user preference such as deep procedure monitoring, synthetic
monitoring, real user monitoring and web monitoring.
Session cookie
Third party / Dynatrace
This cookie is used to record the action names on pages, thus, performance may be monitored throughout pages.
Session cookie
Third party / Dynatrace
This cookie monitors the visits along a large number of requests for follow up of Dynatrace performance.
Session cookie
Third party / Dynatrace
This cookie is set when user opens a page for the first time using Hotjar script. When the browser is opened, it is used to create a special random user ID when the browser is on and this ensures that the behavior on next
visits to the same websites is assigned to the same user ID.
Session cookie
Third party / Hotjar
Annex 2: Targeting/Advertisement Cookies
Retention period
These cookies are set by a third party and used for serving to advertisements targeted along them. The targeted advertisements may be shown to users based on the previous visits of users for such website. In addition to
this, these cookies measure the rate of transformation of advertisements offered to user.
1.5 year
Third-party /Google
Set by DoubleClick, these cookies are used for targeted advertisements.
For instance, when user looks for our website on the browser, the advertisements under a heading for which user has revealed his/her interest may be shown to him/her along the website.
In addition to this, the cookies measure the rate of transformation of advertisements offered to user.
1.5 year
Third-party /Google
This cookie is used for the purpose of the advertisement targeted.
1 year
Third-party /Google
In case users have logged into Google accounts on another device previously, this cookie is used to show user the more relevant advertisements in connection with their activities along the devices used.
2 years
Third-party /Google
In addition to the purposes of security and performance, this category of cookie may be used also for targeting purposes.
6 months
Third-party /Google
As with SID, this cookie is used for targeted advertisements as well in certain conditions. Therefore, it is listed both in Annex 1 and Annex 2.
2 years
Third-party /Google
As SID and HSID, this cookie is used for targeted advertisements as well in certain conditions. Therefore, it is listed both in Annex 1 and Annex 2.
6 months
Third-party /Google
This cookie applies the information on how the end user has used the website and any kinds of advertisements he/she may have seen prior to visiting the website.
1 year
Third-party /Google
This cookie is used in line with targeting purposes for profiling the areas of interest of the visitor of the website with a view to displaying relevant and customized advertisement.
2 years
Third-party /Google
This cookie is used in line with targeting purposes for profiling the areas of interest of the visitor of the website with a view to displaying relevant and customized advertisement.
2 years
Third-party /Google
This cookie is used to store the information on how user has browsed the advertisement and website he/she may have seen prior to visiting the lifebox web site and, in addition to this, is also used to help adapting the
advertisement to user regarding Google features by recalling previous searches, previous interactions of advertiser with its ads or search results and user visits paid to website of the advertiser.
2 years
Third-party /Google
This cookie is used in line with targeting purposes for profiling the areas of interest of the visitor of the website with a view to displaying relevant and customized advertisement.
6 months
Third-party /Google
This cookie is used in line with targeting purposes for profiling the areas of interest of the visitor of the website with a view to displaying relevant and customized advertisement.
6 months
Third-party /Google
This cookie is used in line with targeting purposes for profiling the areas of interest of the visitor of the website with a view to displaying relevant and customized advertisement.
2 years
Third-party /Google
This cookie is used to store the information on how user has browsed the advertisement and website he/she may have seen prior to visiting the lifebox web site and, in addition to this, is also used to help adapting the
advertisement to user regarding Google features by recalling previous searches, previous interactions of advertiser with its ads or search results and user visits paid to website of the advertiser.
2 years
Third-party /Google
These cookies are used for serving to targeted advertisements along the web. The targeted advertisements may be shown to users based on their previous visits to the lifebox web site. In addition to this, these cookies measure
the rate of transformation of advertisements offered to user.
1.5 year
Third party / Double-Click
This cookie is used by Facebook for offering a series of advertisement products such as third party advertisers giving real-time offers.
Session cookie
Third party / Facebook